ProStructures Help

ProStructures Directory Layouts

The following folders are used when installing versions of the product.

The default directory layouts for the ProStructures are organized around object-types, e.g. shapes, welds, connections, stairs, partlists, details, with the intention to make it easier to understand which variables map to which files and directories.


Following the MicroStation pattern, ProStructures will deliver application data files under the <ProgramFIlesDir>\Bentley\ProStructures <product_version>\Default. The files include:

  • Data files typically not edited by the user, e.g. shapes databases.
  • A basic data set-metric and Imperial specific files as needed-for reference by workspaces, e.g. standard seed files, simple bill of material layouts (List & Label file), sample weld styles.
  • Examples of all types of data files, e.g. user cell for a handrail post.
  • Complete sets of metric and Imperial "factory settings" for dialogs.
For each configuration variable, the configuration designer has the option to:
  • Use the read-only product-provided file(s).
  • Use file(s) created for the organization, workspace or workset.
  • For list-type variables, add organization, workspace and/or workset directories or files to the product-provided list.
  • For list-type variables with wild-card support, use a subset of the read-only product-provided files, e.g. ASIC*.mdb vs. *.mdb.
The goals of the above design are:
  • To focus the configuration designer on what is needed for his work while having a fully functional product.
  • To simplify Bentley's maintenance of common data files-one copy vs. N copies.

Here is the layout of <ProgramFileDir>\Bentley\ProStructures\Defaults showing the ProStructures, Rebar, SMC, etc. application data files. The configuration variables for each are also listed.

Folder Description/Configuration Variable
+  App  
The "appl" directory serves as the root for all application data files. It's simply for organization
|  +  Benchmarks<units>\
|  |  +  xxx.dgn
|  +  Connections\
|  |  +  BasePlate.dbf
Example to copy
|  |  +  BasePlateC1.dbf
Example to copy
|  |  +  BasePlateSizing<units>.ini
|  |  +  BeamBeamClamp.dbf
Example to copy
|  |  +  ConnectionCenter.txt
|  |  +  PipeStrap.dbf
Example to copy
|  |  +  PurlinBeamBraceFly.dbf
Example to copy
|  |  +  AutoConnect\
|  |  |  +  AutoConnectData_Original.mdb,  CDM.ini,  CDM_angle.ini
|  +  Data\
|  |  +  PsDrawingInfoLabels.ini
A template
|  |  +  PsOutputValueFormats.ini
A template
|  |  +  PsShapeNamingConventions.ini
A template
|  |  +  tooltips.ini
|  |  +  EED\
|  |  |  +  Bentley.eed
|  |  |  +  BentleyGroup.eed
|  +  Details\
|  |  +  HoleDisplay\
|  |  |  +  xxx.bmp
|  |  +  HoleDisplay<units>\
|  |  |  +  xxx.dgn
|  |  +  SampleStyles_<units>\
Only have Imperial samples
|  +  ElevationFlags\
|  |  +  xxx.bmp
|  +  Exchange\
$(PS_EXCHANGEMAPS) for *.exm
|  |  +  xxx.exm
|  |  +  CreateAcis.tagdefinition.ini
|  |  +  IFC\
|  |  |  +  xxx.att
|  |  |  +
|  |  +  ISM\
|  |  |  +  ISMConnections.xml
|  +  FactorySettings<units>\
|  |  +  xxx.sve
|  +  Logos\
|  |  +  ProStructures.jpg
|  +  MechanicalFasteners\
|  |  +  Bolts\
$(PS_BOLTIMAGES) for *.bmp
|  |  |  +  xxx.bmp
|  |  |  +  xxx.mdb
|  |  |  +  BoltDiameterTable<units>.bdt
|  |  |  +  Pro_st3d.hdt
|  +  Partlist\
|  |  |  +  xxx.bmp
|  |  +  Concrete\
|  |  |  +  Images\
|  |  |  |  +  xxx.bmp
|  +  Plates\
|  |  +  Pro_st3d.ptt
|  +  PositionFlags\
|  |  +  xxx.bmp
|  +  Rebar\  
|  |  +  Codes\
$(PS_REBARCODES) for *.xml
|  |  |  +  xxx.xml
|  |  +  library\
|  |  |  +  <object>\
|  |  |  |  +  xxx.dgnreb,  xxx.png,  xxx.rof
|  |  +  MechanicalDevices\
|  |  |  +  xxx.bmp
|  |  |  +  xxx.dgn
|  |  |  +  MechanicalDevices.mdb
|  |  +  MeshCodes\
$(PS_MESHCODES) for *.xml
|  |  |  +  xxx.xml
|  |  +  Shapes\
$(PS_REBARSHAPES) for *.rsf, *.rsf.upd
|  |  |  +  RebarShapes_xxx.rsf
|  |  |  +  RebarShapes_xxx.rsf.upd
|  |  +  support\
|  |  |  +  xxx.sys
|  |  |  +  barshape\
|  |  |  |  +  xxx.png,  xxx.dgnlib
|  |  |  +  reports\
|  |  |  |  xxx.rpt
|  +  Shapes\
$(PS_SHAPESIMAGES) for *.bmp
|  |  +  xxx.bmp
|  |  +  xxx.mdb
|  |  +  CombiShapes\
$(PS_COMBISHAPES) for subdirectories
|  |  |  +  <catalogName>\
|  |  +  RoofWall\
$(PS_ROOFWALLPANELS) for subdirectories
|  |  |  +  <catalogName>\
|  |  +  UserShapes\
$(PS_USERSHAPES) for subdirectories
|  |  |  +  <catalogName>\
|  |  +  WeldShapes\
$(PS_WELDSHAPES) for subdirectories
|  |  |  +  <catalogName>\
|  +  Welds\
|  |  +  xxx.bmp
|  |  +  Opposite\
$(PS_WELDOPPOSITE) for *.bmp
|  |  |  +  Opposite0.bmp  &  Opposite1.bmp
|  |  +  Signs\
$(PS_WELDSIGN) for *.bmp
|  |  |  +  Sign0.bmp  to  Sign18.bmp
+  …\
+  Data\Rose\Database\
|  *.nam
|  *.rose
ProStructures CIS/2 and IFC Export files added to those customarily delivered by MicroStation .
+  Dgnlib\
$(MS_DGNLIBLIST) for *.dgnlib
|  +  ProStructures3DModeling.dgnlib
ProStructures modeling library common to all workspaces.
|  +  DrawComp\
$(MS_DGNLIBLIST) for *.dgnlib
|  |  +  ProConcreteDetailingSymbolStyles.dgnlib
+  …\
+  Materials\
|  |  + ProStructures_Materials.dgnlib
ProStructures material palette for concrete and rebar.
|  +  Patterns\
Prepend to $(MS_PATTERN)
|  |  +  RebarTex6-<color>bmp
+  …\
+  Seed\
|  +  …
|  +  ProStructures<units>\
Prepend to $(MS_SEEDFILES)
|  |  +  xxx.dgn
+  …\